Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Melted Snowman Cookie

This sugar cookie idea came from the same site the turkey leg cookies came from (listed below). I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I saw them, they are soooo cute, these are the things that make my day. You should really check out the ladies site, her cookies are super cute. She used fondant for her parts. I used a cake ball for the head, peanut butter M&Ms for the buttons, a harvest mix candy corn for the nose (they don't have the white tip), and the same piped chocolate I used on all my Turkey Day desserts for the features, I was trying to use what was on hand.

Thanksgiving Cookies

I found the ideas for the turkey leg, and pumpkin pie slice cookie at, she has the cutest cookie ideas!

I have no idea which site I saw these on, I got lost in cyber space last night. I did see several versions of this corn cookie. I saw a few people that used tissue for the husk, one person used green fruit roll ups, I just grabbed some paper. It's a pretty cute idea for a cookie on a stick!

OK, I decided I had to figure out a cookie design of my own, so I cut out a round cookie, iced it, then covered it with red M&Ms, and then piped some 'crust''s my very own cherry pie, and I like it!!

Teepee Cakes

I saw this idea a year ago at the below link. I thought they were cute. You bake cake inside, then decorate the outside with sprinkles, and pretzels (lots of great ideas on the gal's site). The one contribute I made was that when I cut holes into the pie pan, I found a second pan to place the upside down pan on b/c I found my cones were poking down further than the surface of the counter, and this worked well for baking so they were steady. I also found these super cute sugar characters (the pumpkin, and turkey) at the Cake Carousel in town, and I added a door with piped chocolate. I'm sure you could easily pipe the turkey, and pumpkin, but....I have to admit, I'm not feeling THAT dedicated this year. I have since seen these cake teepees on several sites. They are cute, and last year when I saw them I thought they would make cute place tags. Here's the link with the instructions.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Turkey Pops

Of course, I got this idea off of Bakerella....I love that sight. My first of only two Thanksgiving treats planned for this year, but he's a cutie, and certainly easier to put together than a real turkey.

High Hat Cupcakes

I cheated, I made these with buttercream instead of meringue icing.....because I like my cupcakes sweet, and sometimes, I like my cupcakes sweet (are you getting the idea?). The hat isn't as 'high' with buttercream, but I think the flavor makes up for it!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Giant Cupcake Cake

This cake is for Kate's first birthday, she has a matching Lavender Cupcake Dress (shown below) to match the occasion.
Giant Cupcake

A View From Above

Individual Cupcakes